Safari club @ Grand Hyatt Hotel..
Christina Akinyi Kweka. cheecky smile!
ready for a night out?
don't we resemble?... we do bwana!!
aunty Tina and Malaika...
my Malaika.
me, at Trader Vic's Intercontinental Hotel.
with my sisters,at Trader Vic's Intercontinental Hotel.
@ Trader vic's Intercontinental Hotel.
The safari club.
Safari club @ Grand Hyatt Hotel..
@ Grand Hyatt Hotel-Muscat.
my Sisters, Zawadi & Time.
Muscat by night, huwezi amini kama ni uarabuni...
inside the Muscat Bank building!!
having breakfast.
i love this....
hahahahaha i loved the weather!
Muscat Bank
thank u Zawadi for the dress.. 4yrs ago!love it...
how do i look?
lets have a ride
hahaha sun gogoz, without sun glasses here you are unable to see whats in front of u!it is too sunny!
Molten cake... @ Chillis Restaurant
my swt Sisy!
Molten cake at Chillis was yummy!!
at chillis restaurant
after a big Molten cake,big smile!
aunty Tina loves u guys!!
with jokery Amani and the cat Malaika...meow!
Muscat Oman, what a beautiful place to be,it is just full of suprises, happy spending my holiday here…it is beautiful,thank u Zawadi! XOXO. Says Tina
Good to see u aunty Tinah
Hope yo so released and avng th best ov yo time!!
Keep on enjoying hunie!
Kisses en hugsss!!!
Luv uuuu!!!
thank B my love i am indeedly having fun my love za huko?
much love kisses!
Thts my giRl!!!happy to see. You wth tht smile…
Keep roickin,bt rem one thng,we luv n miss u deaDlY!!
aaaaw Nii love u more guys see u soon
ramadhan kareem!
we tina bonge hahaha unaenjy sana na umependeza cs huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu watoto wa zur jmn naona naww umekuwa mweupe kidg wamekuambukiza rangi
hehehehe kasheshe…..eti hellen wa ibra thnx love miss u!!!
MC U MOO JMN matokeo vp naskia leo hapa na2mbo la uoga sana jmn