Just arrived @JK Nyerere International Airport, Dar
Just arrived @JK Nyerere International Airport, Dar
Just arrived @JK Nyerere International Airport, Dar
Miss Flora
Just arrived @JK Nyerere International Airport, Dar
Just arrived @JK Nyerere International Airport, Dar
@Hair saloon
@Rudy's farm
With my friend Christina @Rudy's farm
@Rudy's farm
With my friend Christina @Rudy's farm
Enjoying my nyama choma @Rudy's farm
Enjoying my nyama choma @Rudy's farm
Enjoying my nyama choma @Rudy's farm
Enjoying my nyama choma @Rudy's farm
Miss Tina
Miss Tina
Miss Tina
Miss Tina
Miss Tina
Miss Tina
Miss Flora
Miss Flora
Miss Flora
Around our place
Around our place
Around our place
Around our place
Around our place
Around our place
Around our place
Around our place
Around our place
Karembo kalikua busy kuokota korosho. Very cute girl
Karembo kalikua busy kuokota korosho
Resting after working hard
@My place
@Hair saloon
@Karim saloon
New hair style from Karim madreads.
Was lovely to arrived safe in Dar, I’ve been travelling a lot around the world but there’s increadible feelings I always get as soon as I land in Bongo. It is amazing! I think I agree with the saying “Go East or West but home is the best”. From the airport I went straight to the saloon because my hair needed big help! The next day was Sunday and after I took my wadogo for brunch at the Hyatt Regency we went to Rudy’s farm for some nyama chomas. Oh my It was delicious :))))