Tulianza safari yetu na meli ya MSC Divina 2nd Nov tukitokea Venice kuelekea Miami Florida. Safari yetu itatuchukua 18 nights tukikatiza Atlantic ocean, tutapata nafasi ya kutembelea nchi kadhaa zikiwemo Malta, Malaga Spain, Madeira Islands Portugal, St. Maarten and San Juan, Puerto Rico

Welcome aboard! MSC Divina Christened in 2012 by Sofia Loren, the ship is 333,30 metres long and 37,92 metres wide. MSC Divina combines timeless elegance with cutting-edge technology, offering a wide range of recreation facilities and services for your enjoyment. Her 1350 crewmembers are all here to ensure your personal comfort and safety and to help make your cruise unforgettable. Have a wonderful vacation! by Captain, Francesco Veniero

Nautical Information: When we leave the maritime station we will start sailing along the fascinationg Venetian lagoon, going back the Gludecca Channel and following St. Mark’s Channel, along which we will be able to admire on our right the renowned St. George’s Church. St. Mark’s Square is the only official square in Venice since all the public square-shaped paces are called “campi” (fields). After passing the Channel, we will get out of the lagoon through Porto di Lido, where the pilot will disembark and we will take a South-West route in the Adriatic sea heading to our next port of call. Suggestion dress tonight: CASUAL