Look Amani face aawwww...so hard to get him this way
Family love
The family
The family
The family enjoying the show
My family enjoying balloon festival
Malaika kama kawaida
Malaika enjoying the balloon show
Baloon show celebrating Thai New Year
Kids with Lanton ready to make a wish
Malaika with her Lanton ready to make a wish
Amani with his Lanton ready to make a wish
Kids with their first Lanton
Kids with their 1st Lanton
Kids with their first Lanton
Make a wish
Make a wish
Make a wish
Make a wish
Malaika Lanton
Amani's Lanton
Malaika's Lanton
Malaika Lanton
With my girl Malaika
So romantic around hotel, candals everywhere
So romantic
Candals everywhere around the B&B
Lanterns on the sky
Chiang Mai by night
Chiang Mai by night
Celebrate Thai New Year in style
Celebrating Thai New Year in style
Lanterns on the sky
Love this photo, the light of the sky full of the Lantern beautiful
Chiang Mai by night
Chiang Mai
Chiang Mai by night
Chiang Mai by night
Chiang Mai by Night
Love this photo of Amani
It's hard to get Amani in the photo this calm
It's hard to get Amani in the photo this way. Look at his face aawwwww...
It's hard to get Amani in the picture this calm
Aawwww..Malaika wangu
Amani & Malaika
Kids outside our B&B
Love this photo
With my husband. Photo taken by Amani
With my husband Bart. Photo taken by Malaika
Afternoon baloon celebration
With family outside our B&B
With my family ready to enjoy lighting up the sky with Lanterns and fireworks
Celebrate New Year with Lanterns outside hotel
Lighting Lantern outside our hotel was very beautiful
Lighting Lanterns outside our hotel
Lighting Lanterns
Lighting Lantern
Lighting Lantern
Lighting our Lantern
Lighting our Lanterns
We light our Lanterns
The city by night
Around the city Thai Festival
Thai New Year festival full of Lanterns & Lanton
The view of the city by night
The view of the city by night
Amani with lanton ready to make a wish
Hotel garden by night
Ilikua furaha kwetu kuja hapa Chiang Mai kipindi hiki cha Thai New Year celebration. Kila mwaka huwa wanakua na festival kubwa kusheherekea mwaka mpya kwa fire works, balloons, lanterns and lantons kwa kweli kunapendeza sana. Tulifikia kwenye heritage B&B ambayo ilikua karibu sana na mto ambao unatumiwa katika sherehe. Tulikaa hapa kwa siku nne na kupata picha halisi ya sherehe hizi ambapo kila usiku anga lote linapendeza na lanterns na mto unapendeza na lantons zenye candle za kupendeza.
Amani na Malaika walifurahi sana kushiriki kwenye sherehe hizo pamoja na wenyeji ambapo nao waliweza kuweka lantons zao kwenye mto na kumake a wish. Hali ya hewa in Chiang Mai kuna kibaridi kidogo sio kama sehemu nyingi za Thailand. Pia kama kawaida ya Thailand nilipata nafasi ya kutembelea Spa ambapo safari hii nilikwenda kwenye spa na kupata Thai massage ya aina yake ilikua iko poa sana ingawa nimeshapata Thai massage sehemu nyingi Thailand hii ilikua kiboko wanasema ni modern Thai massage, pesa yangu niliyolipa ilikua ya halali kabisa. Kipindi hiki ni cha low season ila tourist wengi wanakuja kwa ajili ya hizi sherehe na hakika zinapendeza sana.