at last nakiona kiuno changu hahahahaaa beautiful!
love this place.
beautiful Akinyie.
gbk Kitchen healthy fast food!!
yummy chips,burger and onion rings....i want again and again.
ha ha haa!
gbk Restaurant, healthy fast food.
look at me guys......did u just see me?
Beautiful us!!!
i like this one
Zawadi and I Eid lunch.....
us, models!!!
can u guess kwenye these photos nilikuwa nimeloose how many Kgs?lol
i guess diet and exercises did me well.....
bado kidogooo ntapata hiyo look yao english figure hahahahaa....
the dolls them selves including me....hihihihi...
my favorite pic.
yellow yellow....
happy Eid........
forever 21....nalipendaje hili duka jamani?it is reasonable kwangu.
some shoppings?? yes to complite Eid yangu.
"mkaidi hafaidi mpaka siku ya Eid"
nimeukumbuka tu huu msemo hahahaaaa.....
If Blackberry is a phone, Pinkberry is a restaurant i think i can create greenberry for my clothline...just wishing!!
big smileee....
@ the pinkberry
karibuni my pinkberry would you like to taste?it is verry yummy.
nkua nataka kula tu my pinkberry.....ilikuwa inayeyuka.
happy face whenever nikiona msosi...i naturally smile.
it was a happy eid indeed.
This is me kwexs.
i love this pic so baaad.......
i said cheese....
pinkberry my fav healthy yogurt
i love it its very yummy and healthy ina taste ya maziwa mtindi lol
me and my ice cream yogurt
happy me
This is how i celebrated my Eid, me and my sister decided to go City center early before watu hawajajaa because on holidays or weekends watu wanajaa sana(like Kariakoo)lol! We went for lunch at GBK kitchen and had some marvelous healthy burger and onion rings it was yummy i just want to go back again and again I loved it(na ninavopenda kula), it was very nice then I had my favorite ice cream at Pinkberry. I also did some few shopping’s(Forever 21 inaniuwaa) and that was it, my Eid!!. I was very happy this day i was waiting for it to come so bad i couldn’t wait!!